• Select your resume
  • Personal info
  • Job specific questions
Personal Information - ID 20
Work Experience
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Education History
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Resume and Cover Letter
In accordance with applicable data protection laws and Lenovo data privacy principles, we request that you remove any Special Categories or Sensitive Personal Data on your resume or CV before applying to any Lenovo positions or our Talent Community.

Examples of Sensitive Person Data would include, but is not limited to the following; racial or ethnic origin; religious or philosophical beliefs; political affiliations/opinions; trade union membership; health data; sexual orientation; gender identity; disabilities; background checks; U.S. Social Security Numbers (SSNs) and similar government/national identification numbers (including tax identification numbers); Credit/Debit Card numbers and similar bank/financial account information; biometric identifiers and/or full dates of birth.

Any resume or CV that contains Special Categories or Sensitive Personal Data may not be shared across the Lenovo organization or that information may be removed from the resume or CV. You may also be asked to submit a new resume or CV. While we appreciate your interest in Lenovo, please note that we follow strict privacy standards and, at this point, we only require educational and professional background related information. To learn more about our privacy practices or how to reach out to our Privacy Program, please read the Lenovo Global Privacy Statement.

Your password must:

  • Have at least 8 characters.
  • Have at least one number.
  • Have less than 4 sequential letters.
  • Not contain any of your personal information.
  • Not contain commonly used words.
Application Accuracy Statement
I acknowledge
By applying, I acknowledge that I have read and understand the Application Accuracy Statement and agree to the Lenovo Data Privacy Statement
By applying, I acknowledge that I have read and understand the Application Accuracy Statement and agree to the Lenovo Personal Privacy Statement
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