General Information

Req #
Career Area
Hardware Engineering
木曜日, 6 9, 2022
Working time:
Additional Locations
* Japan - Kanagawa - Yokohama-shi

Why Work at Lenovo

私たちは Lenovo 。有言実行し、実行してきたことで得たものにより、お客様を驚かせてきました。
Lenovo は、売上高 620 億米ドル、グローバルでも巨大なテクノロジー企業であり、フォーチュン グローバル 500 誌では 171 位にランクされ、世界中に77,000 人の従業員を擁し、世界の180 の市場で毎日数百万の顧客にサービスを提供しています。 Lenovo は、すべての人にスマートなテクノロジーを提供するという大胆なビジョンに基づき、サーバー、ストレージ、モバイル、ソフトウェア、ソリューション、サービスを含む”新しい IT” テクノロジー (クライアント、エッジ、クラウド、ネットワーク、インテリジェンス)の進歩を促進することで、世界最大の PC 企業としての成功を築いてきました。

この変革は、Lenovo の世界を変えるイノベーションと相まって、どこにいても誰にとっても、より包括的で信頼できる、そしてよりスマートな未来を築き上げています。詳細については、 にアクセスし、StoryHub で最新ニュースをお読みください。 

Description and Requirements

Notebook electrical design engineer with DC/DC and analog circuit design skills. Essentially the experience in power circuit design of PC, Smartphone, Tablet, Embedded System, and or Consumer Electronics for more than 3 years.

Roles and responsibilities

  • Understands power architecture and requirement of next generation CPU/Chipset/GPU/Battery charger, makes reference schematics and motherboard for prototyping.
  • Understands the market/customer requirements for the product properly and interprets them in architect/high level design of hardware based on those requirements
  • Leads and actually executes by herself/himself the detailed design of hardware (schematics, layout, signal routing, etc)
  • Leads and actually executes by herself/himself the debugging of hardware issue
  • Leads and actually executes by herself/himself problem resolution of hardware issue
  • Leads and executes the unit testing of hardware validation
  • On-site engineering support at manufacturing factory in China during development and ramp-up phase
  • Communicates with mechanical design team to optimize motherboard  design
  • Communicates with software team to optimize hardware design
  • Communicates with procurement engineering team to optimize the implementation of subsystems
  • Communicates with the Product Assurance / Product Engineering teams, and tracks defects
  • Communicates with World Wide ThinkPad development team and external development partners to support their development activities
  • Report the development status to the project manager and the people manager with timely manner

Skills required

  • Understand the datasheet of regulator ICs, FET/Transistor, discrete parts
  • Understand schematics and layout design of motherboard
  • Observe waveform of motherboard electrical signals and analyze it
  • Problem solving skills for electrical issue
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills with logical communication skill

Additional Locations
* Japan - Kanagawa - Yokohama-shi
* Japan - Kanagawa - Yokohama-shi
* Japan - Kanagawa
* Japan