General Information

Req #
Career Area
Hardware Engineering
木曜日, 5 26, 2022
Working time:
Additional Locations
* Japan - Kanagawa - Yokohama-shi

Why Work at Lenovo

私たちは Lenovo 。有言実行し、実行してきたことで得たものにより、お客様を驚かせてきました。
Lenovo は、売上高 620 億米ドル、グローバルでも巨大なテクノロジー企業であり、フォーチュン グローバル 500 誌では 171 位にランクされ、世界中に77,000 人の従業員を擁し、世界の180 の市場で毎日数百万の顧客にサービスを提供しています。 Lenovo は、すべての人にスマートなテクノロジーを提供するという大胆なビジョンに基づき、サーバー、ストレージ、モバイル、ソフトウェア、ソリューション、サービスを含む”新しい IT” テクノロジー (クライアント、エッジ、クラウド、ネットワーク、インテリジェンス)の進歩を促進することで、世界最大の PC 企業としての成功を築いてきました。

この変革は、Lenovo の世界を変えるイノベーションと相まって、どこにいても誰にとっても、より包括的で信頼できる、そしてよりスマートな未来を築き上げています。詳細については、 にアクセスし、StoryHub で最新ニュースをお読みください。 

Description and Requirements

*Working location: Yokohama City

■ About Lenovo culture

Our culture defines us…it's our DNA. We call it the “We Are Lenovo” culture and it's the values we share and the business practices we deploy. It's how we address our day-to-day commitments. The “We Are Lenovo” culture is embodied in the statement: We do what we say, we own what we do, and we like to constantly wow our customers

CUSTOMERS in everything we do
・Global TEAM players guided by integrity and TRUST
・ENTREPRENEURS committed to driving change
・INNOVATORS who relentlessly pursue new idea

Our culture is what has enabled us to consistently raise the bar on delivering break-through innovations, award-winning designs, and strong financial performance.
To know more about who we are, visit

◇Position Description◇


The ITC Project Coordinator role will assist the ITC Engineers with projects that require specialized focus to ensure a successful client experience. The project coordinators will work closely with the ITC engineers, to maintain communications between all interested parties, including email and telecommunication updates, as needed. The project coordinators will disengage once the project is completed and closed by ITC engineer.



ITC Team Lead/Management: 

Engage Program Coordinator to review projects that require special handling and/or when engineer requires assistance due to:

・Sensitive client situation

・High profile project with multiple deliverables

・Current pending orders, or forecasted for current quarter


■Project management:

 Project Coordinator will:

・Assist ITC engineer, Sales team, and client with communications

・Oversee project health until Gold Letter is released

・Document all activity and create(time-line)

・Meet weekly with Team Leads and Manager to review current projects and workload

・Meet with ITC Team Leads/Managers as needed

・Create a time-line from project

・Speak with customer after successful project completion  to get feedback on experience.

・Handle all CSAT issues

・Create reports and charts.



■Project qualifiers:

 To be considered for specialized assistance from the project coordinators, the following criteria will be reviewed:

・Projects are configured with multiple services / deliverables

Orders pending/forecasted for the current or next fiscal quarter

Sensitive or urgent client situation

New or Existing client, visibility

Supply constraints

・ Aged/Parked due to no client response


Spoken English required to translate between Japanese and English.

Additional Locations
* Japan - Kanagawa - Yokohama-shi
* Japan - Kanagawa - Yokohama-shi
* Japan - Kanagawa
* Japan